What is a Column?

Stotz columns are used to interpret the results from an air gage to a user-friendly display. The units are the most cost-effective with the solutions and features applied.

Application Examples

  • Fuel Injection Components
  • Transmission Parts
  • Valves
  • Valve Body
  • Gears
  • Tapers
  • Landing Gear
  • Spools
  • Sleeves
  • Bearings

Types of Columns

MSM Column

This pneumatic-electronic column is compact and low-cost for manual measurements. All settings, including program selection, are made by means of the color touchscreen.


Also cost-effective and compact, the MSG-CL pneumatic-electric measuring column for manual measurements with a widescreen monitor and extended connection options.


The MRA-Compact measuring computer enables simple parameterization and supports integrated acquisition and evaluation of measured values.

By selecting plug-in modules, it can be configured for pneumatic or electrical (LVDT) measurements.

Data is exchanged via the standard interfaces 2xRS232, Ethernet, USB and 2x keypad or optionally via digital I / Os or Profibus.